About Us "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act but a habit" – Aristotle
The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery (The Academy) devotes its activities to science, education, training and accreditation in the field of gynaecological surgery. We develop and offer structured programmes for training and education in gynaecological endoscopy for residents and postgraduates. Our head office is based in Leuven, Belgium.
The Academy develops training models and tools for endoscopic skill training.
We offer structured training and education programmes for endoscopic surgery.
Throughout the year, we offer courses featuring the latest techniques regarding gynaecological endoscopy.
Our history
A quick walk through our background
Contemporary medicine is no longer just the ‘art of healing’ as stated by Hippocrates, it has become an elaborated and highly technical practice. There has been a tremendous evolution in knowledge, technical possibilities and communication assets. In an ever-changing world socio-cultural, ethical and juridical aspects of medicine become more and more prominent. The individual physician needs more and more support of academic authorities, professional societies and industrial partners. These bodies are bound to collaborate between themselves in order to restore and preserve patient health.
In 2004, the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) decided to establish a platform for this kind of collaboration in the field of scientific research and standardisation. It decided to combine clinical experience, scientific thoughts and investigation among gynaecological endoscopists and practitioners.
Hence, the European Academy of Gynaecological Endoscopy (EAGE) was founded in September 2004 as an independent, non-profit organisation under Belgian law by Dr. R. Campo, Prof. D. Wallwiener, Prof. A. Wattiez and Dr. Y. Van Belle.
In August 2007, the name of the organisation changed to The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery (EAGS) to harmonise with the name of the journal published by the ESGE.
Over the past years, the numerous in- and outdoor activities of The Academy combined with the elaboration of a solid internal organisation, have resulted in a considerable growth of The Academy, its programmes and course offerings.

Prof Wattiez

Prof Wallwiener

Dr Campo

Dr Van Belle
Publications regarding the training models and certification programmes
Excellence needs training “Certified programme in endoscopic surgery”
R. Campo, M. Puga, R. Meier Furst, A. Wattiez, R.L. De Wilde -
The ESHRE–ESGE consensus on the classification of female genital tract congenital anomalies
G. F. Grimbizis, S. Gordts, A. Di Spiezio Sardo, S, Brucker, C. De Angelis, M. Gergolet, T. Lim, V. Tanos, H. Brölmann, L. Gianaroli, R. Campo -
Training in Laparoscopic Surgery: From the lab to the OR
R. Campo, A. Wattiez, R.L. De Wilde, C.R. Molinas Sanabria -
Defining a structured training program for acquiring basic and advanced laparoscopic psychomotor skills in a simulator
C.R. Molinas, R. Campo -
A valid model for testing and training laparoscopic psychomotor skills
R. Campo, C. Reising, Y. Van Belle, J. Nassif, P. O’Donovan, C.R. Molinas -
Feasibility and construct validity of a novel laparoscopic skills testing and training model
C.R. Molinas, G. De Win, O. Ritter, J. Keckstein & M. Miserez, R. Campo